上海向50名外国人颁发了Magnolia Silver奖,表彰他们对该市的贡献。 Shanghai awarded 50 foreigners the Magnolia Silver Award for their contributions to the city.
上海于11月23日向来自18个国家的50名外派人士颁发了Magnolia Silver奖, 表彰他们对本市发展及国际交流的贡献。 Shanghai honored 50 expats from 18 countries with its Magnolia Silver Award on November 23, recognizing their contributions to the city's development and international exchanges. 受援者在贸易、金融、技术、医疗保健、教育和文化等领域产生了影响。 Recipients have made impacts in fields like trade, finance, technology, healthcare, education, and culture. 自1989年以来,已有1 877名外籍人士获得这一奖项,突出显示了上海对其捐款的赞赏。 Since 1989, 1,877 expats have received this award, highlighting Shanghai's appreciation for their contributions.