都柏林国家Wax博物馆删除了Conor McGregor的数字, 因为他被判犯有性侵犯罪。 The National Wax Museum in Dublin removed Conor McGregor's figure due to his sexual assault conviction.
都柏林国家Wax博物馆在民事法庭判定Conor McGregor犯有性攻击罪之前删除了Conor McGregor的蜡图。 The National Wax Museum in Dublin removed Conor McGregor's wax figure two weeks ago, before his civil court conviction for sexual assault, which awarded the victim nearly €250,000. 博物馆定期对展品进行审查,以与其价值相符。 The museum regularly reviews exhibits to match its values. McGregor的雕塑于2017年安装,是最受欢迎的雕塑之一。 McGregor's sculpture, installed in 2017, was one of the most popular. 在定罪后,若干公司还断绝了与McGregor的联系。 Following the conviction, several companies have also severed ties with McGregor.