以色列在停火前袭击黎巴嫩境内的真主党导弹设施,目标是武器生产和无人驾驶飞机发射场。 Israel strikes Hezbollah missile facility in Lebanon before ceasefire, targeting weapons production and drone sites.
以色列军方宣布,就在停火前,他们在黎巴嫩贝卡谷地摧毁了真主党的主要导弹生产场。 Israel's military announced they destroyed a major Hezbollah missile production site in Lebanon's Bekaa Valley just before a ceasefire. 叙利亚边境附近的地下设施被用来生产精确制导导弹和其他武器。 The underground facility, near the Syrian border, was used to produce precision-guided missiles and other weapons. 以色列国防军还以150多个无人驾驶飞机发射场为目标,在最近的行动中消灭了真主党的关键人员。 The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) also targeted over 150 drone launch sites and eliminated key Hezbollah personnel during recent operations.