以色列部队拆除了隐藏在黎巴嫩墓地地下的真主党武器装满的隧道综合体。 Israeli forces dismantle Hezbollah's weapons-filled tunnel complex hidden under a Lebanese cemetery.
以色列军队发现并拆除了隐藏在黎巴嫩南部墓地地下的一个真主党地下建筑群。 The Israeli army has uncovered and dismantled a Hezbollah underground complex hidden beneath a cemetery in southern Lebanon. 位于距边界1.5公里处的一公里隧道内有武器、指挥室和居住区。 The one-kilometer tunnel, located 1.5 kilometers from the border, contained weapons, command rooms, and living quarters. 以色列部队用混凝土填满了隧道,使之无法使用。 Israeli forces filled the tunnel with concrete to render it inoperable. 这次行动是继2023年10月以来以色列持续袭击黎巴嫩,造成大量平民伤亡之后进行的。 This operation follows ongoing Israeli strikes in Lebanon since October 2023, which have resulted in significant civilian casualties.