加纳新的能源项目旨在为年轻人创造就业机会,于2025年开始培训。 Ghana's new energy project aims to create jobs for young people, starting training in 2025.
Charles Owusu领导的加纳石油枢纽项目旨在为能源行业的加纳青年创造数千个工作岗位。 Ghana's Petroleum Hub Project, led by Charles Owusu, aims to create thousands of jobs for young Ghanaians in the energy sector. 培训方案于2025年1月开始,Owusu鼓励青年提交信息供考虑。 A training program starts in January 2025, and Owusu encourages youth to submit their information for consideration. 该项目是政府促进经济增长和就业战略的一部分,Owusu敦促支持新爱国党,确保顺利执行。 The project is part of the government's strategy to drive economic growth and employment, with Owusu urging support for the New Patriotic Party to ensure smooth execution.