加纳的目标是将其石油部门转变为现代的“能源经济”,到2030年创造780,000个工作岗位。 Ghana aims to transform its petroleum sector into a modern "energy economy," creating 780,000 jobs by 2030.
由纳纳·阿库福-阿多总统领导的加纳石油枢纽项目旨在到2030年将该国石油部门转变为现代和可持续的“能源经济”,创造78万个就业机会。 Ghana's Petroleum Hub Project, led by President Nana Akufo-Addo, aims to transform the country's petroleum sector into a modern and sustainable "energy economy" by 2030, creating 780,000 jobs. 石油枢纽开发公司(PHDC)正侧重于劳动力发展。 The Petroleum Hub Development Corporation (PHDC) is focusing on workforce development. PHDCCEO Charles Owusu 首席执行官Charles Owusu访问了西班牙,与国际伙伴会面,并与FINNOVA基金会签署了一项框架协定,以支持可持续能源、住房和旅游业。 PHDC CEO Charles Owusu visited Spain to meet international partners and signed a framework agreement with the FINNOVA Foundation to support sustainable energy, housing, and tourism. 该项目力求将加纳定位为西非关键的物流和能源枢纽。 The project seeks to position Ghana as a key logistics and energy hub for West Africa.