前南非官员Phanuel Mokomo因贿赂调查员而被判犯有腐败罪。 Former South African official Phanuel Mokomo convicted of corruption for bribing an investigator.
南非前内务部官员Phanuel Mokomo于2024年11月27日被判犯有腐败罪。 A former Home Affairs official in South Africa, Phanuel Mokomo, was convicted of corruption on November 27, 2024. Mokomo被判有罪,他企图用10 000卢比贿赂一名内部调查员,以阻止对他非法签发和批准许可证的调查。 Mokomo was found guilty of attempting to bribe an internal investigator with R10,000 to stop an investigation into his irregular issuance and approval of permits. 定罪是在优先犯罪调查局采取诱捕行动之后作出的,它突出了在公共机构内打击腐败的努力。 The conviction, which came after an entrapment operation by the Directorate for Priority Crime Investigation, highlights efforts to combat corruption within public institutions. 判刑时间定在2025年2月18日 Sentencing is set for February 18, 2025.