支持病的人士在加拿大推动公众关注昂贵的新药Xcopri. Epilepsy advocates push for public coverage of costly new drug Xcopri in Canada.
患者和倡导者正在推动公众对Xcopri的报道,这是一种在2023年在加拿大批准的新抗药. Epilepsy patients and advocates are pushing for public coverage of Xcopri, a new anti-seizure drug approved in Canada in 2023. 这种药物,也称为 cenobamate,在减少癫痫发作和改善患者生活质量方面显示出有希望的结果。 The medication, also known as cenobamate, has shown promising results in reducing seizures and improving patients' quality of life. 尽管享有福利,但萨斯喀彻温省和安大略省的省级药物计划没有涵盖Xcopri,使病人每年最多需要支付3,200美元。 Despite its benefits, Xcopri is not covered under provincial drug plans in Saskatchewan and Ontario, leaving patients to pay up to $3,200 annually. 倡导者认为,与其他药物相比,该药物的功效更好,希望省政府重新考虑其覆盖率。 Advocates argue that the drug offers better efficacy compared to other medications and hope provincial governments will reconsider coverage.