被发现有人体骨骼的儿童仍然在Camden(SC)附近;当局的调查是可疑的。 Children found human skeletal remains near Camden, SC; authorities investigate as suspicious.
在南卡罗来纳州Kershaw县,儿童于11月26日在Camden东约克街附近的一个木质地区发现人体骨骼残骸。 In Kershaw County, South Carolina, children found human skeletal remains in a wooded area near East York Street in Camden on November 26th. 答复当局包括Kershaw县警长办公室、Camden警察局和县验尸官。 Responding authorities include the Kershaw County Sheriff's Office, Camden Police Department, and the county coroner. 身份和死亡原因不明,案件正在作为可疑案件进行调查。 The identity and cause of death are unknown, and the case is being investigated as suspicious. 目前正在进行DNA测试,以查明遗骸。 DNA testing is underway to identify the remains.