一名巴西妇女在OR Tambo机场被捕,罪名是走私包裹在她身体上的可卡因。 A Brazilian woman was arrested at OR Tambo Airport for smuggling cocaine wrapped around her body.
一名44岁的巴西妇女因贩运毒品在OR Tambo国际机场被捕,在从圣保罗抵达后,在上身周围发现可卡因。 A 44-year-old Brazilian woman was arrested at OR Tambo International Airport for drug trafficking, found with cocaine wrapped around her upper body after arriving from São Paulo. 这是本周在机场第二次逮捕一名巴西贩毒分子。 This is the second arrest of a Brazilian drug trafficker at the airport this week. 南非警察强调,他们继续努力拦截贩毒者,并与国际执法部门合作。 South African police emphasize their continued efforts to intercept drug traffickers and work with international law enforcement.