男子逃脱绑架者,在悉尼交赎金期间受伤;3名嫌犯被捕。 Man escapes kidnappers, sustains injuries during ransom exchange in Sydney; three suspects arrested.
一名31岁的男子在悉尼被俘并遭受酷刑12小时之后,在交换赎金过程中从绑架者手中逃脱。 A 31-year-old man escaped from kidnappers during a ransom exchange in Sydney after being held captive and tortured for 12 hours. 尽管最初支付了赎金,但绑架者要求更多钱。 Despite an initial ransom payment, the kidnappers demanded more money. 在随后的一次会晤中,该人质设法逃脱,受伤。 During a subsequent meeting, the hostage managed to break free, sustaining injuries. 3名嫌疑人,年龄分别为19岁、25岁和19岁,被逮捕并被指控犯有严重攻击罪、绑架罪和相关罪行。 Three suspects, aged 19, 25, and 19, were arrested and charged with aggravated assault, kidnapping, and related offenses. 他们的案件正在等待法院审理。 Their cases are pending in court.