TII在阿布扎比主办了AI峰会,重点是在2025年技术趋势下开放源码AI的未来。 TII hosts AI summit in Abu Dhabi, focusing on the future of open-source AI amid tech trends for 2025.
阿布扎比技术创新研究所举行了一次有300多名专业人员参加的开放源码AI峰会,讨论AI的未来,特别是开放和封闭源码模式之间的平衡。 The Technology Innovation Institute (TII) in Abu Dhabi held an Open-Source AI Summit, attended by over 300 professionals, to discuss the future of AI, particularly the balance between open and closed-source models. 强调了TII的猎鹰AI LLM系列,包括阿联酋第一个开放源码模型Falcon 40B。 TII's Falcon AI LLM series, including the UAE's first open-source model, Falcon 40B, was highlighted. 与此同时,Capgemini发布了其“2025年技术观察5强技术趋势”,强调基因人工智能、AI驱动机器人、AI增强网络安全以及可持续能源解决方案是关键技术。 Meanwhile, Capgemini released its "TechnoVision Top 5 Tech Trends to Watch in 2025," emphasizing generative AI, AI-driven robotics, AI-enhanced cybersecurity, and sustainable energy solutions as key technologies.