尽管美国对Adani Ports公司提出贿赂指控, 坦桑尼亚仍坚持与Adani Ports的交易。 Tanzania upholds deal with Adani Ports despite US bribery charges against the company.
坦桑尼亚将继续与阿达尼港签订30年协定,在达累斯萨拉姆经营集装箱码头,尽管美国对阿达尼集团的贿赂和腐败起诉。 Tanzania will continue its 30-year agreement with Adani Ports to operate a container terminal in Dar es Salaam, despite the US indictment of the Adani Group for bribery and corruption. 坦桑尼亚政府仍信守协议, Signed in May, the deal remains intact as Tanzania's government stays committed to the agreement. Adani集团已否认这些指控。 The Adani Group has denied the accusations.