Spridal Hubiak因在沃特维尔谋杀同事Angela Bragg被判处65年徒刑。 Spridal Hubiak sentenced to 65 years for murdering co-worker Angela Bragg in Waterville.
Spridal Hubiak,21岁,因去年12月在沃特维尔Damon's Beverage谋杀同事Angela Bragg,52岁,被判处65年徒刑。 Spridal Hubiak, 21, was sentenced to 65 years in prison for murdering his co-worker, Angela Bragg, 52, at Damon's Beverage in Waterville last December. 监控录像显示Hubiak跟踪Bragg八分钟后刺伤她。 Surveillance footage showed Hubiak stalking Bragg for eight minutes before stabbing her. 第二天早上发现了Bragg的尸体。 Bragg's body was found the next morning. Hubiak逃到阿肯色州,在那里发现他携带武器和防波堤,从而引起对进一步暴力的怀疑。 Hubiak fled to Arkansas, where he was found with weapons and tarps, leading to suspicions of further violence. 他因追逐汽车而被捕,在追逐过程中,他多次遭到枪击。 He was apprehended after a car chase, during which he was shot multiple times.