南非警察挫败了一名商人的绑架,逮捕了9名嫌犯并扣押了火器。 South African police thwarted a businessman's kidnapping, arresting nine suspects and seizing firearms.
南非警察挫败了在Benoni省Ivory Park绑架一名商人的企图,逮捕了9名嫌疑犯,没收了3件火器和1辆与其他犯罪有关的车辆。 Police in South Africa thwarted a kidnapping attempt on a businessman in Ivory Park, Benoni, arresting nine suspects and seizing three firearms and a vehicle tied to other crimes. 一名嫌疑人在向警方开枪后被打死。 One suspect was killed after firing shots at the police. 这一行动涉及反绑架股和私人保安,他们根据关于计划绑架的情报采取行动。 The operation involved the Anti-Kidnapping Unit and private security, acting on intelligence about the planned abduction.