2024年8月27日在南非因谋杀、绑架和企图谋杀巴基斯坦商人而被捕的3名嫌疑人。 3 suspects arrested in South Africa for murder, kidnapping, and attempted murder of Pakistani businessmen on Aug 27, 2024.
3名嫌疑人在南非因2024年8月27日谋杀和绑架巴基斯坦商人而被捕。 Three suspects were arrested in South Africa for the murder and kidnapping of Pakistani businessmen on August 27, 2024. 一名受害者被打死,另一名受害者被绑架勒索赎金,后来获救。 One victim was killed, while the other was kidnapped for ransom and later rescued. 嫌疑人包括一名南非人和两名莫桑比克人,被控谋杀、绑架和谋杀未遂。 The suspects, comprising a South African and two Mozambicans, face charges of murder, kidnapping, and attempted murder. 其中两人被警方拘留,第三人因被捕时枪伤住院。 Two are in police custody, while the third is hospitalized due to a gunshot wound sustained during his arrest.