Ronald Brown被判犯有严重强奸和绑架罪,判处72至105年徒刑,并袭击法院官员。 Ronald Brown, convicted of aggravated rape and kidnapping, sentenced to 72 to 105 years and attacked court officers.
Ronald Brown, 60岁,因2016年在波士顿犯有严重强奸和绑架等多项罪行而被定罪,被判处72至105年监禁。 Ronald Brown, a 60-year-old convicted of multiple crimes including aggravated rape and kidnapping in Boston in 2016, was sentenced to 72 to 105 years in prison. 在判刑期间,Brown袭击了法院官员,并拒绝按规定行事。 During the sentencing, Brown attacked court officers and refused to stand as mandated. 在此之前,他曾因1986年的强奸罪被判25至30年徒刑。 This follows his previous 25- to 30-year sentence for a 1986 rape conviction.