Pavegen在迪拜揭开太阳能+瓷砖, 将太阳能与行人脚步相结合, 产生30x倍的能量。 Pavegen unveils Solar+ Tile in Dubai, generating 30x more energy by combining solar power with pedestrian footsteps.
Pavegen在迪拜的一次会议上介绍了其太阳能+瓷砖,通过将太阳能与脚步能源相结合,它产生的能源比以往的模型多30倍。 Pavegen introduced its Solar+ Tile at a conference in Dubai, which generates up to 30 times more energy than previous models by combining solar power with energy from footsteps. 这一创新将产品的碳足迹减少了30%,提高了绩效。 This innovation reduces the product's carbon footprint by 30% and improves performance. 这些瓷砖可以安装在不同的城市环境中,并被安放在世界各地的城市,吸引汇丰银行和谷歌等客户。 The tiles can be installed in various urban settings and have been placed in cities worldwide, attracting clients like HSBC and Google.