在RE+ 2024年,Anker发射了SOLIX X1太阳能和储存溶液,用于极端温度和增强抗御力。 At RE+ 2024, Anker launched the SOLIX X1 Solar & Storage Solution for extreme temperatures and enhanced resilience.
在RE+ 2024展会上,安克尔推出了SOLIX X1太阳能和储能解决方案,该解决方案旨在应对极端温度和增强弹性. At RE+ 2024, Anker launched the SOLIX X1 Solar & Storage Solution, designed for extreme temperatures and enhanced resilience. 其模块结构改善了发电和安全,同时在恶劣条件下保持了效率。 Its modular architecture improves power generation and safety while maintaining efficiency in harsh conditions. SolarEdge为美国家庭推出了一个可扩缩的太阳能+储存系统,其特点是灵活升级模块设计。 SolarEdge introduced a scalable solar + storage system for U.S. homes, featuring a modular design for flexible upgrades. Jackery展示了本国电力能源系统,以先进的电池技术侧重于能源独立和可持续性。 Jackery showcased its HomePower Energy System, focusing on energy independence and sustainability with advanced battery technology.