与OpenAI和Meta结成橙色伙伴, 为Wolof等非洲语言开发免费的人工智能模式。 Orange partners with OpenAI and Meta to develop free AI models for African languages like Wolof.
法国电信巨型橙色公司正与AI公司OpenAI和Meta合作开发能够理解非洲区域语言的AI模型, French telecom giant Orange is teaming up with AI firms OpenAI and Meta to develop AI models that can understand regional African languages, starting with Wolof and Pulaar in West Africa. 这些开放源码模型将免费提供,用于卫生和教育等领域的非商业用途。 These open-source models will be available for free, non-commercial use in areas like health and education. 该项目旨在提高大赦国际处理代表性不足的语言的能力,并与“主权的AI”趋势保持一致,重点是区域特定数据和减少环境影响。 The project aims to improve AI's ability to process less-represented languages and aligns with the trend of "sovereign AI," focusing on region-specific data and reducing environmental impact.