今年感恩节,耶鲁大学的一项研究发现,9个工作年龄的退伍军人中有1个是粮食无保障的。 One in nine working-age veterans are food insecure this Thanksgiving, a Yale study finds.
根据耶鲁大学的一项研究, 9个工作年龄的退伍军人中有1个在感恩节面临粮食无保障问题。 One in nine working-age veterans face food insecurity this Thanksgiving, according to a Yale study. 接受调查的退伍老兵中, 24%都在为获得足够的食物而挣扎。 Feeding America reports that 24% of surveyed veterans are struggling with consistent access to enough food. Jim Whaley是一名20年的老兵,也是宣传小组任务滚动呼叫首席执行官,他讨论这个问题在节日期间如何影响退伍军人和现役军人,强调支助和援助方案的必要性。 Jim Whaley, a 20-year Army veteran and CEO of advocacy group Mission Roll Call, discusses how this issue affects both veterans and active-duty service members during the holiday season, highlighting the need for support and assistance programs.