警方在威斯康辛州武装劫车事件导致车辆追逐事件后,搜寻了两名嫌犯。 Police search for two suspects after an armed carjacking led to a vehicle chase in Wisconsin.
新柏林警察在11月29日武装劫车事件导致车辆追逐后,正在寻找两名嫌疑人。 New Berlin police are searching for two suspects after an armed carjacking led to a vehicle chase on Nov. 29. 被盗汽车在Brookfield被用轮胎通货紧缩装置和战术拦截,但嫌疑人徒步逃跑。 The stolen car was stopped in Brookfield using a tire deflation device and a maneuver tactic, but the suspects fled on foot. 缴获了火器,虽然没有警官受伤,但嫌疑人的车辆和一辆警车都受损。 A firearm was recovered, and while no officers were injured, both the suspect's vehicle and a police car were damaged. 此案仍在调查之中,没有嫌疑人在押。 The case remains under investigation with no suspects in custody.