ICAD和GE Health Carvey公布了新的人工智能工具,以改进2024年RSNA乳腺癌检测。 iCAD and GE Healthcare unveil new AI tools to improve breast cancer detection at RSNA 2024.
ICAD是AI动力癌症检测的领头人,正在RSNA 2024年的会议上展示其经林业发展局批准的ProFound检测4.0版本,并与Cascaid Health合作,在Q1 2025年推出AI驱动的乳房X光检查二读服务 " ProFound Health " (ProFound Health)。 iCAD, a leader in AI-powered cancer detection, is showcasing its FDA-cleared ProFound Detection Version 4.0 at the RSNA 2024 meeting and is partnering with Cascaid Health to launch ProFound Health, an AI-driven second-read service for mammograms in Q1 2025. “GE保健”引入了普里什蒂纳通过乳房X线照相系统,旨在改善工作流程和病人护理,其特点包括零点击获取和供应商中立的先前图像比较。 GE Healthcare introduced the Pristina Via mammography system, designed to improve workflows and patient care with features like zero-click acquisition and vendor-neutral prior image comparison. 这两项创新都旨在提高乳腺癌筛查的准确性和可及性。 Both innovations aim to enhance breast cancer screening accuracy and accessibility.