癌症AI联盟在技术巨人为AI驱动的癌症研究和病人护理提供的40M支助下成立。 Cancer AI Alliance formed with $40M support from tech giants for AI-driven cancer research and patient care.
在AWS、微软、NVIDIA和德洛伊特等技术领导人以及Fred Hutch等癌症中心大力支持下,成立了癌症AI联盟。 The Cancer AI Alliance (CAIA) has been formed with significant backing from tech leaders like AWS, Microsoft, NVIDIA, and Deloitte, along with cancer centers such as Fred Hutch. 通过超过4000万美元的资金,CAIA旨在利用人工智能来加强癌症研究和患者护理,同时确保数据隐私. With over $40 million in funding, CAIA aims to leverage AI to enhance cancer research and patient care while ensuring data privacy. 该倡议将建立共同的基础设施和行业标准,预期到2024年底开展业务活动,并预计到2025年进行初步深入了解。 The initiative will establish shared infrastructure and industry standards, with operations expected by late 2024 and initial insights projected for 2025.