三名青年企业家赢得15 000英镑的可再使用时期短裤,目的是在全球消除贫困。 Three young entrepreneurs win £15,000 for reusable period pants aiming to combat period poverty globally.
3名22岁的女企业家获得了有声望的商业奖和15 000英镑的“Even项目”项目,该项目旨在解决长期贫穷问题。 Three 22-year-old female entrepreneurs have won a prestigious business award and £15,000 for their project, The Even Project, aimed at tackling period poverty. 他们的可再使用期裤子每条价格为4英镑,已经从非政府组织和人道主义组织获得44 000份预先订单。 Their reusable period pants, priced at £4 each, have secured 44,000 pre-orders from NGOs and humanitarian organizations. 裤子在2025年3月推出, 功能像普通内衣一样, 可以吸收多达50毫升的液体。 The pants, launching in March 2025, function like regular underwear and can absorb up to 50ml of liquid. 该项目旨在支持受联合王国危机和时期不平等影响的全球妇女。 The project aims to support women globally affected by crises and period inequality in the UK.