新南威尔士州政府将退还近550万美元的可能无效的COVID-19罚款。 NSW government to refund nearly $5.5 million in potentially invalid COVID-19 fines.
澳大利亚新南威尔士州政府将撤回并退还近550万美元的COVID-19罚款,因为法律咨询认为,由于细节不足,罚款可能无效。 The New South Wales government in Australia will withdraw and refund nearly $5.5 million in COVID-19 fines after legal advice deemed the fines potentially invalid due to insufficient details. 最初,2023年,3 630万美元的罚款被倒转,其余的23 539笔罚款现在被撤销。 Initially, $36.3 million in fines were reversed in 2023, and the remaining 23,539 fines are now being withdrawn. 新南威尔士州税收局将在今后几天内与受影响的个人联系。 Revenue NSW will contact affected individuals in the coming days.