尼日利亚陆军总司令警告说,尽管每年招募15 000名士兵,但资源仍然短缺。 Nigerian army chief warns of resource shortages despite recruiting 15,000 troops annually.
尼日利亚代理陆军参谋长奥卢费米·奥卢耶德中将对军队在没有足够资源,特别是住房资源的情况下越来越多地招募士兵表示关切。 The Acting Chief of Army Staff in Nigeria, Lt-Gen. Olufemi Oluyede, has expressed concern over the army's increasing recruitment without adequate resources, particularly for housing. 军队每年招募约15 000人,但缺乏安置这些人员的资金。 The army recruits about 15,000 personnel annually but lacks the funds to accommodate them. Oluyede呼吁参议院提供更多的预算支助,以帮助保障国家安全,并用技术加强作战能力。 Oluyede appealed to the Senate for more budgetary support to help secure the country and enhance combat capabilities with technology.