印度最高法院以平等权利为由,宣布对精英阶层的优惠土地分配无效。 India's Supreme Court invalidates preferential land allotments to elites, citing equality rights.
印度最高法院在海得拉巴宣布对议员、司法协助人员、法官、官僚和记者的特惠土地分配无效,裁定该政策违反平等权利。 The Supreme Court of India has invalidated preferential land allotments to MPs, MLAs, judges, bureaucrats, and journalists in Hyderabad, ruling the policy violates equality rights. 法院认为,按折扣率分配款项是一种滥用权力行为,有利于精英群体而不是边缘化公民。 The court deemed the allotments at discounted rates as an abuse of power, favoring elite groups over marginalized citizens. 判决命令取消政府命令,以便分配这些土地,并强调公平分配宝贵的土地资源。 The judgment orders the cancellation of government orders enabling these allotments and emphasizes equitable distribution of valuable land resources.