为了在假期推广当地购物, IGA 发起"你不能打败当地"活动. IGA launches "You Can't Beat Local" campaign to promote local shopping during holidays.
Australian超市连锁连锁店IGA发起了一项名为“你不能战胜本地」的运动, IGA, an Australian supermarket chain, has launched a campaign called "You Can't Beat Local" to highlight the benefits of shopping locally during the holiday season. 这场运动的特色是一部30秒的电影和三部15秒的节目,展示当地的IGA商店及其独特的产品,目的是证明在当地购物既符合成本效益,又方便。 The campaign features a 30-second film and three 15-second spots showcasing local IGA stores and their unique offerings, aiming to prove that shopping local can be both cost-effective and convenient. 该运动是与 " 特别 " 合作发起的,还包括电视、OOH、广播、社交和拥有的媒体资产。 Launched in partnership with Special, the campaign also includes TV, OOH, radio, social, and owned media assets.