尤苏拉·班尼斯特奶奶在华盛顿的徒步旅行摔断腿;她被特洛伊·梅和陌生人救出。 Grandma Ursula Bannister broke her leg hiking in Washington; she was rescued by Airman Troy May and strangers.
Ursula Bannister, 79岁的祖母, 摔断了腿, 在华盛顿高岩路边徒步旅行 以纪念她已故的母亲。 Ursula Bannister, a 79-year-old grandmother, broke her leg while hiking in Washington's High Rock Lookout Trail to honor her late mother. 她被美国空军飞行员特洛伊·梅救出 和一群陌生人把她带到山上 She was rescued by US Air Force Airman Troy May and a group of strangers who carried her down the mountain. 在长达数小时的下降期间,他们分享了各种故事。 During the hours-long descent, they shared stories. 班尼斯特随后被送往医院,此后一直与救援人员保持联系,称他们为“天使”。 Bannister was then taken to a hospital and has since stayed in touch with her rescuers, calling them "angels."