Google Cloud带领澳洲连线用新的海底电缆提升互联网和网络安全。 Google Cloud leads Australia Connect to boost internet and cybersecurity with new subsea cables.
Google Cloud和合作伙伴正在开发澳大利亚连通项目,旨在加强澳大利亚和太平洋区域的互联网连通和安全。 Google Cloud and partners are developing the Australia Connect project, aiming to enhance internet connectivity and security in Australia and the Pacific region. 它包括新的海底电缆,如连接达尔文至圣诞岛的Bosun和连接阳光海岸与美国和斐济的Tabau。 It includes new subsea cables like the Bosun, connecting Darwin to Christmas Island, and the Tabua, linking the Sunshine Coast to the US and Fiji. 该项目得到了NEXTDC、Subco和Vocus的支持,目的是提高数据速度、网络安全和系统冗余,从而帮助澳大利亚发挥亚洲和美国之间的数字门户作用。 The project, supported by NEXTDC, Subco, and Vocus, aims to boost data speeds, cybersecurity, and system redundancy, contributing to Australia's role as a digital gateway between Asia and the US.