一辆卡车袭击印度喀拉拉邦的游牧民路边帐篷,造成五人死亡,其中包括两名儿童。 Five died, including two children, when a truck struck a nomads' roadside tent in Kerala, India.
星期二清晨,一辆运木材的卡车袭击喀拉拉邦Trissur路边的帐篷,造成五人死亡,数人受伤,其中包括两名儿童。 Five people, including two children, died and several were injured when a timber-carrying truck struck a roadside tent in Thrissur, Kerala, early Tuesday morning. 受害者是睡在高速公路附近的游牧民。 The victims were nomads sleeping near the highway. 司机和清洁工被怀疑受酒精影响而被捕。 The driver and cleaner, suspected of being under the influence of alcohol, were arrested. 州政府已承诺为伤员提供财政援助和免费治疗。 The state government has promised financial assistance and free treatment for the injured. 调查正在进行中。 An investigation is underway.