迪士尼解决了4 300万美元的性别薪酬诉讼,涉及9 000名女性雇员。 Disney settles gender pay lawsuit for $43 million, affecting 9,000 female employees.
迪斯尼同意支付4 300万美元,解决一项指控男女薪酬差异的诉讼,涉及约9 000名女雇员。 Disney agreed to pay $43 million to settle a lawsuit alleging gender pay disparity, impacting about 9,000 female employees. LaRonda Rasmussen在发现拥有相同职称的男性同事挣得更多后,于2019年首次提出诉讼。 LaRonda Rasmussen initially filed the lawsuit in 2019 after discovering male colleagues with the same job title earned more. 迪斯尼(Disney)对索赔提出争议,但不承认过错,将雇用一名劳工经济学家来评估和解决加利福尼亚州雇员的薪酬平等问题,为期三年。 Disney, which disputed the claims but did not admit fault, will hire a labor economist to assess and address pay equity among California employees for three years. 和解正在等待法官的批准。 The settlement awaits approval by a judge.