迪士尼将其年度红利提高33%至每股1美元,明年分成两笔支付。 Disney raises its annual dividend by 33% to $1 per share, split into two payments next year.
沃尔特·迪斯尼宣布,其年度红利将增长33%,达到每股1美元,比此前的0.75美元有所增加。 Walt Disney has announced a 33% increase in its annual dividend to $1 per share, up from $0.75 previously. 股息将在2025年1月16日和7月23日分两期向在具体日期登记的股东支付0.50美元。 The dividend will be paid in two $0.50 installments on January 16 and July 23, 2025, to shareholders registered on specific dates. 这一行动是在迪士尼成功的一年之后进行的,其特点是利润流和票房点击率,这促使其股票价格和收入大幅上涨。 This move comes after a successful year for Disney, marked by streaming profits and box-office hits, which contributed to a significant rise in its stock price and earnings.