Cat Deeley在接受ITV采访时, 在现场援助募款及纪录片播出频道上, 犯了事实错误。 Cat Deeley made factual errors about Live Aid's fundraising and a documentary's broadcast channel during an ITV interview.
在ITV的"今天早上"直播采访中,主持人Cat Deeley在与Bob Geldof讨论Band Aid和Live Aid40周年时犯了一些事实上的错误. During a live interview on ITV's "This Morning," host Cat Deeley made a few factual errors while discussing the 40th anniversary of Band Aid and Live Aid with Bob Geldof. 她错误地说,这些事件筹集了200万英镑,使自己在Geldof指出之前被纠正为2亿英镑,实际上大约为4.8亿英镑。 She incorrectly stated that the events raised £2 million, correcting herself to £200 million before Geldof noted it was actually around £480 million. Deeley还错误地说,即将到来的纪录片将在第4频道而不是BBC Four上播出。 Deeley also mistakenly said the upcoming documentary would air on Channel 4 instead of BBC Four. 尽管有错误,东道主和客人还是嘲笑了这些错误。 Despite the blunders, the hosts and guest laughed off the mistakes. 这部纪录片以看不见的画面为主, 于本周五在BBC Four上播放。 The documentary, featuring unseen footage, airs this Friday on BBC Four.