理查德·马德利无意中说"penis" 而不是英国早安时的"Peters" Richard Madeley inadvertently said "penis" instead of "Peters" on Good Morning Britain.
《早安英国》的联合主持人理查德·马德利 (Richard Madeley) 在直播中犯了一个明显的错误,他在介绍安迪·彼得斯 (Andi Peters) 时不小心说了“阴茎”而不是“彼得斯”。 Richard Madeley, co-host of Good Morning Britain, made a notable on-air mistake by accidentally saying "penis" instead of "Peters" while introducing Andi Peters. 失误后,联合主持人苏珊娜·里德 (Susanna Reid) 强调了这个错误,马德利幽默地评论了电视直播的本质。 After the slip, co-host Susanna Reid highlighted the error, and Madeley humorously remarked on the nature of live television. 事件发生后,讨论转向其他议题。 Following the incident, discussions moved on to other topics. Madeley回到节目中, 观众反应喜忧参半, Madeley’s return to the show has garnered mixed viewer reactions, with some pleased and others disappointed.