Ant 和 Dec 是《我是名人》的主持人,在晚间的火警打乱了他们严格的睡眠时间表后,他们面临着疲惫。 Ant and Dec, hosts of "I'm A Celebrity," faced exhaustion after a late fire alarm disrupted their strict sleep schedule.
Ant 和 Dec,“I'm A Celebrity...让我离开这里!“,在澳大利亚晚上 9 点 30 分,火警警报唤醒了他们,打乱了他们严格的睡眠时间表,他们筋疲力尽。 Ant and Dec, hosts of "I'm A Celebrity... Get Me Out of Here!," faced exhaustion after a fire alarm woke them at 9:30 pm in Australia, disrupting their strict sleep schedule. 他们通常在凌晨2时醒来准备晚上9点的英国广播,下午6: 30前上床睡觉。 They usually wake up at 2 am to prepare for the 9 pm UK broadcast, going to bed by 6:30 pm. 事件影响了他们现场直播的能量水平。 The incident affected their energy levels for the live show. 两人都住在一个每晚1 000英镑的海滨顶楼, 12月和他的家人一起住。 Both stay in a £1,000-a-night beachfront penthouse, with Dec joined by his family.