来自新西兰的两个面包师赢得了2024年国际年比赛的面包贝克奖,并获得了15 000美元的赠款。 Two bakers from New Zealand won the 2024 Bread Baker of the Year Competition and received $15,000 grants.
2个面包师被命名为2024年新西兰面包面包协会年度竞赛奖得主:Christchurch的Sadat Ali Rahimi和Rolleston的Delmari Janse van Rensburg。 Two bakers were named the winners of the 2024 New Zealand Association of Bakers Bread Baker of the Year Competition: Sadat Ali Rahimi from Christchurch and Delmari Janse van Rensburg from Rolleston. 两者均获得15 000美元的研究赠款,Delmari还被提名在2025年5月澳大利亚洛杉矶法官奖中代表新西兰。 Both receive a $15,000 research grant, with Delmari also nominated to represent New Zealand at Australia's LA Judge Award in May 2025. 比赛是为几乎或新合格的学徒举办的,提供开放班和年轻的面包师班。 The competition is for nearly or newly qualified apprentices and offers both an open and a young baker class.