田纳西州官员将在记者招待会上详细描述 副RJ Leonard和被拘留者Tabitha Smith的致命溺水事件 Tennessee officials will detail the fatal drowning of Deputy RJ Leonard and detainee Tabitha Smith in a press conference.
田纳西州官员将讨论2月RJ Leonard副手和被拘留的Tabitha Smith溺水死亡事件,他们是在Leonard的巡逻车撞进田纳西河后死亡的。 Tennessee officials will discuss the February drowning deaths of Deputy RJ Leonard and detainee Tabitha Smith, who died after Leonard's patrol car plunged into the Tennessee River. 星期一上午11时的新闻发布会将包括一份13页的简要报告、照片、录像、911电话音频和电台广播。 A press conference on Monday at 11 am will include a 13-page summary report, photos, a video, 911 call audio, and radio transmissions. 目前没有宣布新的刑事指控,但地区总检察长Russell Johnson将提供更多详情。 No new criminal charges are being announced, but more details will be provided by District Attorney General Russell Johnson.