在麦迪逊, Tenn, 枪击导致Richard Trout和Skyler Whitefield -Brewner死亡, Skyler Whitefield -Brewner因逮捕令被捕。 In Madison, Tenn., a shooting left Richard Trout dead and Skyler Whitefield-Brewner arrested on warrants.
在麦迪逊,田纳西州,停车场 一个致命的枪击事件 发生在理查德特鲁特50岁 和斯凯勒 怀特菲尔德 -布鲁纳23岁 的争吵中 In a Madison, Tennessee, parking lot, a fatal shooting occurred during an alleged altercation between Richard Trout, 50, and Skyler Whitefield-Brewner, 23. Trout死于多处枪伤。 Trout died from multiple gunshot wounds. Whitefield-Brewner逃了出来,但后来又与警察谈话,他因鲁莽驾车和逃避逮捕而被以两项尚未执行的逮捕令登记在案。 Whitefield-Brewner, who fled but later spoke with police, was booked on two outstanding warrants for reckless driving and evading arrest. 尚未对枪击提出指控,有待调查结论,调查将由地区检察官办公室审查。 No charges have been filed for the shooting yet, pending the investigation's conclusion, which will be reviewed by the District Attorney's Office.