韩国和马来西亚形成战略伙伴关系,以促进贸易、投资和技术合作。 South Korea and Malaysia form strategic partnership to boost trade, investment, and tech cooperation.
南韩和马来西亚建立了战略伙伴关系,并在两国最近的一次首脑会议上正式确立。 South Korea and Malaysia have established a strategic partnership, formalized during a recent summit between the two nations. 这一伙伴关系旨在加强包括贸易、投资和技术在内的各领域的合作。 This partnership aims to enhance cooperation in various fields, including trade, investment, and technology. 两国都认为这是加强国际事务中经济联系和相互支持的一个机会。 Both countries see this as an opportunity to strengthen their economic ties and mutual support in international affairs.