一名男子被控杀害61岁的John Reuben, 在新西兰的房屋纵火中谋杀。 A man is charged with murder in a New Zealand house fire that killed 61-year-old John Reuben.
一名48岁的男子因4月29日在新西兰旺加雷发生的致命房屋大火而被控谋杀, A 48-year-old man has been charged with murder over a fatal house fire in Whangārei, New Zealand, that killed 61-year-old John Reuben, also known as Hoani Reupena-Tuoro, on April 29. 火灾始于一辆汽车中,蔓延到Thomas St.的Ruuben家。 涉及20名警官、消防调查员和科学家的长达数月的调查导致了指控。 The fire started in a car and spread to Reuben's home on Thomas St. An extensive months-long investigation involving 20 officers, fire investigators, and scientists led to the charges. 嫌犯已面临纵火指控,将在Whangarei区法院出庭。 The suspect, already facing arson charges, will appear in Whangārei District Court. 警察正在支持受害者的家人,没有其他嫌疑人。 Police are supporting the victim's family and have no other suspects.