男子在Marinette县Athelstane向地面和被占领车辆开枪后被逮捕。 Man arrested after firing gun at ground and toward occupied vehicle in Athelstane, Marinette County.
一名男子在向地面和Marinette县Athelstane镇一辆有多人居住的车辆开枪后被拘押。 A man was taken into custody after firing a gun at the ground and toward a vehicle with multiple occupants in the Town of Athelstane, Marinette County. 包括Marinette县警长代表、威斯康星州自然资源部和Marinette特别反应队在内的当局迅速作出反应,划定了周边,并使用BearCat和无人驾驶飞机找到并安全逮捕嫌疑人。 Authorities, including the Marinette County Sheriff's deputies, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and the Marinette Special Response Team, responded swiftly, establishing a perimeter and using a BearCat and drones to locate and safely apprehend the suspect. Marinette县治安官办公室正在进行调查,预计会受到1度轻率危害安全的指控。 The Marinette County Sheriff's Office is investigating, and charges of 1st Degree Recklessly Endangering Safety are expected.