肯尼亚总统鲁托(Ruto)启动35M欧元科技园, Kenyan President Ruto launches €35M tech park to boost innovation and youth employment.
肯尼亚总统鲁托(William Ruto)鼓励各大学在内罗毕大学硅萨凡纳创新园落成期间, 寻找创新方式筹集资金并与私营部门合作。 Kenyan President William Ruto has encouraged universities to find innovative ways to raise funds and partner with the private sector during the launch of the University of Nairobi's Silicon Savannah Innovation Park. 该公园由法国出资3 500万欧元,旨在根据政府的数字就业议程,将肯尼亚定位为一个技术枢纽,支持青年创造就业机会。 Funded with €35 million from France, the park aims to position Kenya as a tech hub and support job creation among youth, aligning with the government's digital jobs agenda. 该项目是“大5”倡议的一部分,旨在促进创新和经济增长。 This project is part of the "Big 5" initiatives designed to boost innovation and economic growth.