总统鲁托呼吁肯尼亚国防大学关注科技与安全威胁。 President Ruto calls for Kenya's defense university to focus on tech and security threats.
总统鲁托要求肯尼亚国防大学专注于国防、安全和战略方面的专门培训, 强调网络安全、AI、机器人等技术。 President Ruto challenged Kenya's National Defence University to focus on specialized training in defense, security, and strategy, emphasizing technologies like cybersecurity, AI, and robotics. 他还敦促该大学与县政府合作应对气候变化,并研究假消息对治理的影响。 He also urged the university to collaborate with county governments on climate change and to study the impact of fake news on governance. Ruto旨在加强肯尼亚的军事能力,应对新出现的安全威胁。 Ruto aims to strengthen Kenya's military capabilities and address emerging security threats.