印度海岸警卫队在Kochi举行SAREX-24演习,以加强救援行动和区域合作。 Indian Coast Guard hosts SAREX-24 exercise in Kochi to enhance rescue operations and regional cooperation.
印度海岸警卫队将于11月27日至30日在科奇举行国家海上搜索救援演习SAREX-24。 The Indian Coast Guard will hold SAREX-24, a National Maritime Search and Rescue Exercise, in Kochi from November 27 to 30. 这次活动题为“通过区域合作加强搜索和救援能力”,将有政府官员、武装部队和外国代表参加。 The event, themed "Enhancing Search and Rescue capabilities through Regional collaboration," will involve government officials, armed forces, and foreign delegates. 它包括模拟客轮和民用飞机遇险情形的演习,目的是展示现代技术,改进大规模救援行动中的协调。 It includes exercises simulating distress scenarios on a passenger vessel and a civil aircraft, aiming to showcase modern technology and improve coordination in large-scale rescue operations.