DOJ认为,Google的广告技术造成非法垄断,有可能迫使企业出售。 DOJ argues Google's ad tech creates illegal monopoly, potentially forcing sale of business.
美国司法部认为,谷歌的广告技术造成非法垄断,可能迫使谷歌出售其广告技术业务。 The U.S. Department of Justice is arguing that Google's advertising technology creates an illegal monopoly, potentially forcing Google to sell its ad tech business. 弗吉尼亚的Leonie Brinkema法官正在主审此案,定于星期一进行终结辩论。 Judge Leonie Brinkema in Virginia is presiding over the case, with closing arguments scheduled for Monday. Google认为,本案的焦点是狭窄的一席之地,而且它只控制了更广泛的网上广告市场的25%。 Google argues that the case focuses on a narrow niche and that it only controls 25% of the broader online advertising market. 如果判定有罪,进一步的听证将确定补救措施。 If found guilty, further hearings will determine remedies. 这一案件与正在进行的关于谷歌搜索引擎垄断的诉讼是分开的。 This case is separate from the ongoing lawsuit concerning Google's search engine monopoly.