美国地区法官裁定,谷歌的搜索引擎非法维持垄断地位。 US District Judge rules that Google's search engine has illegally maintained a monopoly.
美国地区法官裁定,谷歌的搜索引擎一直在利用其主导地位非法维持对互联网搜索的垄断,这标志着这家科技巨头的重大失败。 A US District Judge ruled that Google's search engine has been exploiting its dominant position to illegally maintain a monopoly over internet search, marking a significant defeat for the tech giant. 法院的裁决是在针对谷歌的搜索主导地位的重大反垄断案件之后做出的。 The court's decision comes after a significant antitrust case against Google regarding its search dominance. 法官的裁决表明,谷歌一直在利用其搜索引擎来压制竞争,从而维持其在市场上的垄断地位。 The judge's ruling suggests that Google has been using its search engine to crush competition, thereby maintaining its monopolistic position in the market.