奥地利派遣第一位泡菜球运动员参加欧洲锦标赛,展示体育运动日益壮大的国际吸引力。 Austria sends first pickleball player to European Championships, showcasing sport's growing international appeal.
奥地利派出了第一位匹克球运动员参加欧洲锦标赛,这项运动因其适合所有年龄和能力的人而在欧洲广受欢迎。 Austria has sent its first pickleball player to the European Championships, a sport that has gained popularity in Europe for its accessibility to all ages and abilities. 锦标赛的特色是男子、妇女以及公开和高级类的混合双人竞赛,颁发了个人奖牌。 The championships featured men's, women's, and mixed doubles competitions in Open and Senior categories, with individual medals awarded. 来自奥地利的Robic、西班牙的Glauka Carvajal、爱尔兰的Andrew等玩家都强调这项运动日益扩大的国际存在。 Players like Robic from Austria, Spain's Glauka Carvajal, and Ireland's Andrew highlighted the sport's growing international presence.