由于经济不确定性,澳大利亚的抵押贷款缓冲利率保持在3%. APRA maintains 3% mortgage buffer rate in Australia amid economic uncertainties.
澳大利亚的金融监管机构,即澳大利亚复兴共和与民主协会,决定维持3%的抵押贷款缓冲利率,以确保金融稳定,尽管家庭债务高企和经济不稳定。 Australia's financial regulator, APRA, has decided to keep the 3% buffer rate for mortgage lending, aimed at ensuring financial stability despite high household debt and economic uncertainties. 由于对劳动力市场和全球风险的担忧,用于测试借款人偿还贷款能力的缓冲剂保持不变。 The buffer, used to test borrowers' ability to repay loans, remains unchanged due to concerns over the labor market and global risks. APRA的决定还将反周期资本缓冲维持在1%,没有新的贷款限额或资本分配限制。 APRA's decision also keeps the countercyclical capital buffer at 1%, with no new lending limits or capital distribution restrictions.